Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Therapeutic Services

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy aids individuals in combating symptoms caused by trauma and distress through rhythmic bilateral stimulation (typically eye-movement).

EMDR therapy can help resolve unpleasant memories and experiences that have, in the past, been resistant to treatment. This type of psychotherapy technique is based on the idea that the mind can heal from psychological trauma, similar to how the body can recover from physical trauma.

How EMDR Therapy Works?

Negative emotions caused by traumatic events can often get “stuck” in the brain as we try to process what happened. EMDR helps resolve this by stimulating a part of the brain with eye movements while focusing on the target trauma memory.

In most cases, EMDR sessions are offered one to two days a week and last up to 90 minutes. During a session, your therapist will move their fingers back and forth in front of your face while you follow their hand motions with your eyes.

At the same time, your therapist will have you recall the specific traumatic memory along with the negative emotions it comes with. Gradually, they’ll help guide you towards changing your negative thoughts and feelings to more positive ones.

Why use EMDR for Addiction Recovery?​

Addiction and compulsive behaviors usually begin as a way to cope with underlying pain linked to trauma. For someone working toward recovery at Southeast Detox, EMDR therapy works as a collaborative approach with other treatment methods to address and resolve the underlying problem of their addiction or compulsive behaviors.

EMDR therapy has been shown to desensitize triggers, promote healthier adaptive thought processes, and help individuals develop positive coping skills instead of relying on harmful behaviors when a traumatic memory arises.

Crafting a solid foundation in recovery with EMDR therapy and other treatment modalities at Southeast Detox involves understanding your unique situation and collaborating with you to identify opportunities for improved stability,

What Conditions can EMDR Help With?

While EMDR therapy was initially used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), most clients presenting with active addictions will find relief from it. EMDR therapy may also be effective for conditions such as:

Benefits of EMDR Therapy

At first, the idea of moving your eyes while recalling negative experiences as a way to promote healing might seem strange, but EMDR therapy has several noteworthy benefits.

Many clients find that EMDR helps them move past trauma much faster than traditional therapy methods, which can take years. More rapid healing makes EMDR therapy ideal for addiction treatment, especially if a patient is undergoing a shorter-term program. Other benefits of EMDR include:

Finding Support that Meets Your Needs​

While EMDR therapy can be highly effective in helping overcome the underlying trauma associated with addictions, it’s only one piece of a comprehensive approach to treating addiction and associated disorders.

At Southeast Detox, we believe in implementing a combination of therapies based on an individual’s unique needs. After a thorough assessment, our addiction specialists can determine if EMDR therapy is the right treatment method for you.

To learn more about EMDR or other therapies offered at Southeast Detox that may help you on your healing journey, reach out to us at (706) 873-9955.

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